She doesn't want to die now.
She's tired, but she's a fighter.
She tells her friends how she feels.
She weeps to them, begging them for help.
She tells them about how much she feels the urge of ending everything.
She cries for her lonely heart.
She wails for her runaway soul.
She screams for her wandering mind.
Her friends told her they understand.
And urge her to be strong.
They paint a picture of hope for her, and hang it high for her.
For her to see the rainbow after the rain.
Oh, is she blessed to have friends like them.
But not all rains end with a spectrum of light.
No one knows how lonely it really is in her.
They don’t know the battles she fights within.
What her friends didn't know is that it will be over for her soon, but what they don't know won't hurt them.
She looks up at the portrait of hope, her rainbow of friends and prays for the last time they meet in another life, this time she'll be a rainbow to her friends, a curve of bright hope.